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Python to natural language

Explain a piece of Python code in human understandable language.

Example input

  • # Python 3 def remove_common_prefix(x, prefix, ws_prefix): x["completion"] = x["completion"].str[len(prefix) :] if ws_prefix: # keep the single whitespace as prefix x["completion"] = " " + x["completion"] return x # Explanation of what the code does #

Example real generated results

  • star

    ## Write Your Code Here ### ## Read The Input Below ## # name is a list with different input items to guess about. e.g. ['cat', #'man']. names = [{'name':name,'color': color} for name in input().split()] common_names=[]

  • star

    this is for line wrapping if ("line" in self.args and len(self.args[0])!= 1): return False words_and_line = [e[1][1:] for e in list(enumerate(strip_ansi_keys)) if (not e[0] == 'line' or (("tabs" not

  • star

    Note that these two lines are identical to before (but without wsPrefix), which is why I comment them out below. Here they go uncommented so you can see how I made the changes in red above this line... # def _remove_ws_prefixes_from_xref_strings_in_predecessor_sol

  • star

    If you have a space in your name like "Steven" then it will be interpreted as starting # with two whitespaces instead of one so when looking for "Steve Smith" we need to start # finding at four chars from now on (four spaces). This is why we use len

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