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Company classification - Text Generator API

Text Generator API Company classification API examples - company industry and sector classification

Example input

  • The following is a list of companies and the categories they fall into Facebook: Social media, Technology Uber: Transportation, Technology, Marketplace Mcdonalds: Food, Fast Food, Logistics, Restaurants {example}:

Example real generated results

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    Twitter is a social network site that allows users to send text messages or updates known as "tweets". Science and technology company. Business category: Science and technology business category (disambiguation) Facebook has been called a tech start-up while Apple was not considered so. Business category: Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up Business organization tech start-up

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    Uber was classified under both Businesses & Services category as well as Tech. tech is technology so that makes sense for it to be in tech but business is also very relevant. Businesses & Services category is not just about tech so there are other factors involved. There are no companies in the Sports category.

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    Amazon Web Services - Science and technology company Amazon is an online retailer. Businesses can sell their products on the website or use it to host websites for customers. Company Description Science and technology company Amazon is an online retailer. Businesses can sell their products on the website or use it to host websites for customers.

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    McDonalds is an example of restaurants.com. Fast food restaurant category. Businesses are categorized by industry. They can also be classified according to their size or location.

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