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Text Generator > Use Cases >SQL request

SQL request

Create simple SQL queries.

Example input

  • Create a SQL request to find all users who live in California and have over 1000 credits:

Example real generated results

  • star

    SELECT * FROM user WHERE state = 'CA' AND credit > 1000; You can also use the following query if you want to see only those with more than 2000 credits (or any other number): SELECT * FROM user WHERE state = 'CA' AND credit > 2000; If you don't know

  • star

    SELECT * FROM user WHERE state = 'CA' AND credit > 1000; This will return the following rows from your database table: | id | name | email | password | --------------------------------- 1 | John | [email protected]| 1234567890 2 | Jane | jane@example.

  • star

    SELECT * FROM user WHERE state = 'CA' AND credit > 1000; You can also use the LIMIT clause with this query, which will return only 10 rows. This is useful if you want to see how many users meet your criteria for each state: SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows, state

  • star

    SELECT * FROM user WHERE state = 'CA' AND credit > 1000; You can also use the following query if you want to filter by gender or location: SELECT * FROM user WHERE gender='Male' OR city= 'San Francisco'; If you're looking for specific information about one of these

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