Translation between languages - Text Generator API
transfer between languages with Text Generator API - english to french example
Example input
English: I do not speak French. French: Je ne parle pas français. English: See you later! French: À tout à l'heure! English: Where is a good restaurant? French: Où est un bon restaurant? English: What rooms do you have available? French:
Example real generated results
Quelles chambres sont disponibles? English doesn't know how to say what she wants. French says, "Where are the best restaurants?" Then he tells her where they are.
Quelles chambres avez-vous disponibles? English translation: Good morning, what can we serve for breakfast? Bonjour, que puis-je servir pour le petit déjeuner? English translation: Hello, how may I help you?
Quelles chambres me conseillez-vous? English - Yes, please. No thanks, it's no trouble! French - Non merci!
Quelles chambres avez-vous disponibles? English translation of the French text - I'm sorry, but I don't know your name. My friend and I are looking for an apartment with 2 bedrooms in Paris. Would you be able to help us?
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