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Tweet Writing - Text Generator API

Tweet Writing - Text Generator API for tweet writing automation

Example input

  • Tweet: The best thing about sliced bread is that

Example real generated results

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    it comes with the crust. Cut up some cheese, cucumbers and onion slices into small pieces for a quick lunch or dinner side dish. Get out your favorite condiments and enjoy! Add a little salt and pepper to taste and you’re all set!

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    you can use it to make a sandwich or burger with any kind of meat. It also goes great with fruit, cheese and tomato on the side. This recipe will give you 8 servings of delicious sandwiches! #BBQSandwiches #sandwich #healthy Sandwich made from whole wheat bread instead of white bread for a healthier option.

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    it doesn't last long. Just think, the first slice you get will taste better than any of the rest. So don't be afraid to enjoy a good slice with your coffee or tea! Here are some ideas for how to eat it: Eat a whole piece at one time and try not to bite into each side as if cutting them.

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    it makes a perfect appetizer. You can serve them with cheese, tomato sauce or just eat them plain and enjoy the crunchy texture of the slices. Here are some great ideas for how to use your leftover bread from dinner last night! #lefthandwichesforsale #cheeseyrolls #tacoswithbread #pastaandbread Sandwiches: Make sandwiches using whatever you have on hand like tuna salad, pepperoni, bacon, etc.

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