Text Generator Brain Text Generator
Text Generator > Docs > Docker

Run Text-Generator.io on Docker

Docker provides isolation of system packages and easy installation



Download the docker zip file from your account, this requires a self hosted subscription

Start the image as a container (API key required)

This will download the required ~40gb of models if not available into the models directory

docker load -i text-generator.tar
mkdir models
docker run -v $(pwd)/models:/models -p 9000:8080 --gpus all \
Test the API

The API docs will be available running at localhost:9000/docs

You can use your API key to make requests to the API

Example: Save the image to your own registry

docker tag text-generator-customer:v1 us.gcr.io/PROJECT/REPO/prod-app:v1
docker push us.gcr.io/PROJECT/REPO/prod-app:v1

If your not sure about hosting your own Text Generator try the online playground to find use cases, prove out the system live and then transition later to hosting yourself.

If your using another provider like OpenAI hosting yourself can provide large cost savings and changing over the API is an easy migration from OpenAI

Text Generator Playground